Project Two, Part One

1) New Music Technology

Ways of accessing the Music Industries

There a massive range to access the music industries there are 3 ways that mostly used. There is iPod/MP3 players by buying or downloading the tracks of your choice and uploading into this gadgets. Mostly this is the most known way to access the music industries through internet by entering or using YouTube, Limewire, MySpace and more other websites that you can access the music industries. Also there’s the Home recording this one a simple way to make your own music by using Reason, Audacity, FruitLoops you can make and create your own music.


Now audience can buy music online by accessing such websites legally. Singles on iTunes are cheaper 79p and on store are £1.99 by walking around, getting the bus and such. Audience prefer to have iPod/MP3 players rather than CD player or Walkmans because iPod/MP3 is portable and also you can add a MASSIVE range of your tracks into this gadgets it can hold 1000 – 2000* estimated. On iPod you can also download Photos, Videos, TV, Films and it’s not just for music anymore.

Criminal Encouragement

This encourages “criminal” activity by downloading tracks that are not licensed, by doing this you find yourself breaking the law not even noticing. Most people use Peer to Peer, file sharing e.g. Limewire, Bearshare...


Apple are the world leaders in digital downloads: iTunes, iPods, iPhone, iTouch …
In other hand Rupert Murdoch the owner of MySpace the biggest internet connection also his company New International owns Fox, Sky, The Sun and many global media company. Google has entered the Musice Industries by buying the biggest video sharing online YouTube. YouTube, LLC is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips.

New Music “Vox Pop”

Usually the interviewees are shown in public places, and supposed to be giving spontaneous opinions in a chance encounter — unrehearsed persons, not selected in any way. As such, broadcast journalists almost always refer to them as the abbreviated vox pop. In U.S. broadcast journalism it is often referred to as a man on the street interview or M.O.T.S.

I’m going to be Vox Pop asking certain people this three questions.
- Q. “Do you use Peer to Peer to download music?”
- Q. “Do you own an iPod or MP3 device?”
- Q. “What sites do you use to access music?”

2) Ne-yo

He use MySpace to market himself by having a very flashy MySpace profile therefore it’s very eye-catching to all the members of MySpace, they also use it staying contact with his fans by commenting on the profile, subscribing and visiting there official website. Using MySpace to advertise yourself or your band is a great idea, because MySpace is one of the biggest online connection. He uses MySpace to advertise his new coming albums, also there are six of his new hot singles that are coming up that you can download for free, also you can upload this six singles into your MySpace profile. There are also other fan stuff to do on his profile there are a three of his previous albums that you can buy online. And also you can talk to other fan member of this artist if you are interested on that person. Also there’s six of videos of his new hot single that you can watch directly from MySpace. There’s a Biography about the artist, also there’s a lot of his posters, cd cover, magazine cover on his profile that you can copy and save it to your profile or pc.

3) Spongecola

They use MySpace to update the fans of the band for their coming albums and a small preview of their new releases. Also to inform the fans for their coming tour, also a list of details of where to buy the tickets. Also they have a small introduction of their band just for the new fans that heard about Hale. Also they have six of their singles that you can watch online absolutely free. You can download the six available tracks through MySpace or you can add them in your playlist into your MySpace profile, with no cost at all. There’s range of things you can look at their profile, you can view some of their live performance, CD cover in their Photo Album, you can talk to the other fan members of the band. Also they give the information about every single members of the band. They use MySpace to keep contact with their fans and to populate their fan members, they do this by giving them a free download of their new tracks.


  1. City College Norwich Media

    Excellent work Deo. The design and layout of your blog is very impressive. Well done.



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