GCSE Media Studies - Project One, Section One

- £17 Billion spent on UK advertising each year.
- Money is spent on:
- TV Commercials - Bus
- Radio Commercials - Billboard
- Internet - Celebrity endorsements
- Stadium advertising : - Sponsorship e.g. football teams
The Emirates Stadium (Arsenal)
The Gillette Stadium ( New York Patriots)

Advertising is about Image and Association
This is to do with Denotation and Connotation

Denotation – The technical Codes of the advert :
- Lighting
- Photography
- Model :
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Clothing
- Location
- Text/Writing in the advert
- Font used for text

Connotation – The way the audience interprets the technical codes. Advertisers want the audience to have a preferred meaning.

Apple computers are cool.
Nike is for winners.
(We may or may not take preferred meaning)

Message and Values

All advertising tries to appeal to the values of the target audience.

- Adidas : Sponsorship deal with top footballers: Gerard, Kaka ….
Adidas Values success and want to be associated with success.

- Can be positive :
e.g. success
to be popular
to be sexy/attractive

- Can be negative :
- For girls to be skinny ;
- For boys to be muscular ;

Pressure? - Anorexia


  1. City College Norwich Media

    Good notes submitted Deo. Could you please use your notes to submit a written report in continous prose.



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